• I am currently revising my offerings. In the meantime, if you are interested in booking a session with me, please DM me on instagram who send me an email.

  • 1. birth chart x card reading

    In this session we will do an intuitive card spread asking divine spirit to provide a message for your mental clarity, emotional support and spiritual affirmation. Then we will uncover the story of soul through analysing your prominent energetic imprints in your birth chart.


    When you took your first breath, your soul was imprinted by the energies of the planets. In this we will take a deep dive into the story of your soul, as told by planetary positions you were birthed from.

  • 3. Card readings

    In this session we will do 2 card spreads - the first will be inviting divine spirit for a divinely timed message, and in the second you have the option of asking a question or focusing on a certain area.

  • 4. Career trajectory (time of birth required)

    Here I use an ancient technique that is phenomenal in uncovering the clock of your career path through a specific astrological framework. We will discover the best timings for you to do what you desire in the context of work & career. But first you have to back date me on your career journey so far. This session essentially helps you to plan the timing of your career moves as it provides an insight into the direction divine spirit is blowing you into. From this you’ll get an an astrological insight into your preparation, peak or resolution periods and the seasons that work most in your favour.

  • 5. shadow work

    This session is to intellectually bring to light the individual barge of darkness that all of us carry. The aim is to provide you with clarity by revealing where your soul has accumulated pain and darkness over life times. We will be able to uncover a deeper context to your life struggles so that you can consciously heal.